The HFP Blog
Helping you spend more time the way you want.
The Spending Seasons
The overspending habit can take on several looks over the course of a year. Here are the common ones.
Can I save more on a Tax Deferred basis after maxing out my 401(k)?
What can be better than a 401(k) plan? How about a similar account but no contribution limits? But, wait, there are pitfalls!
Mid Career? Cash (Flow Planning) Rules Everything Around Your Plan
Cash [Flow Planning] Rules Everything Around Us
Happy Independence Day! 5 Ways to Find Your Financial Independence This Year
5 Ways to Find Your Financial Independence This Year
Way #3: Opt for Automatic Savings
Family Caregivers Deserve Recognition: These Are the Surprising Stats Everyone Should Know
Two out of 10 people in America will provide custodial care, mostly in addition to their full-time jobs.1 With a fifth of adults preparing to or already providing care for aging loved ones, it’s important to recognize the sacrifices - both financial and physical - they make every day. Below we’re taking an in-depth look at who are considered family caregivers, how this responsibility impacts them and how individuals can prepare for the future costs of custodial care.